

  • 18393
  • 2021-12-20
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     招生专业 Programs


  键盘弦乐 铜管乐 木管乐 打击乐


  古典声乐 音乐剧 流行演唱


  古典作曲 歌曲写作 电子音乐制作


  Instrumental Music

  keyboard, string, brass,woodwind and percussion


  classic,musical theatreand popular


  classic,songwriting and electronic music production


  招收年级 Grades


  High School Preparatary Course;

  Grade 10 to 12


  Application Deadline



  The deadline of 2020 fall semester enrollment is June 30th,2020

  The deadline of 2021 spring semesterenrollment is January 31st,2021

  申请须知 Application Requirement



  2. 演奏专业的考生:须有一定的基础,演奏方法基本正确;演奏专业考生应基本具备专业所特需的自身条件;

  3. 声乐演唱专业考生:具有良好的嗓音条件,形象端正。

  CCPS is a full-time professional high school of music with preparatory courses and courses for high school. Students in Grade 10 and 11 can apply forenrollment based on their own professional abilities and other students can apply for preparatory courses after considering their own professional abilities and realities.Candidates needs to have:

  1. Candidates shall embrace capable music learning literacy, including the ability to distinguish and imitate rhythm and high pitch (the hearing judging ability and imitation ability), the ability to memorize music and expressive ability of music.

  2. Candidates applying for instrumental performance program should have basic skills and techniques; the self–conditions of candidates should match program requirement.

  3. Candidates applying for voiceprogram should have outstanding voice and decent appearance.

  招生入学程序 Enrollment Procedure

  1. 在线填写入学申请表并缴纳申请费;


  3. 学生及家长到校参加测试及面试;

  A. 测试环节包括以下内容:







  B. 面试环节出席的老师:








  1. 在线填写申请表并缴纳考试报名费;

  2. 招生部老师在收到报名表和考试费之后会联系申请人,确定考试时间;

  3. 家长会谈以及学生会谈:


  4. 在线考试:






  1. Fill in the application form online and submit the application fee;

  2. After the admissions department receives the application form and application fee, we will contact applicants through phone to make an appointment of the interview time;

  3. Students together with parents come to school for tests and interviews:

   A. The test includes the following:

  Music Test

  Please take the instruments. Exam content refers to the exam general regulations below.

  Academic Test

  English: in order to investigate the students' English language proficiency, the examination will be divided into two parts: written examination and interview. Written examination includes listening, reading and writing. The interview mainly focuses on students' oral ability, including speech and on-site answers to questions and discussions.

  Mathematics: mainly inspects the students' logical thinking and problem-solving ideas and ability. The examination is written examination and students can use calculators during the exam.

  Chinese: good language foundation is the basis of learning music theory, so the language test will mainly examine the students' language organization ability and expression ability. The content of the examination is writing.

  B. Teachers attending the interview session:

  Professional examination—— Academic Teachers

  Music basic course examination—— Music Teachers

  Parents talk—— director of teaching department, director of admissions department

  4.Interview report and result will be delivered to parents after 10 working days after the interview.

   On-line Enrollment Exam Procedure 

  1. Fill in the application form online andpay the application fee;

  2. After receving the application form and fee, the admission department will contact the applicant to appoint the on-line test time;

  3. Parents talk and students talk:

  Candidates and parents should log in the designated platform at the appointed time to interview with the director of the teaching department and the director of the admission department.

  4.On-line test

  Music course test

  Please record the complete video according to the requirements of the professional test and send it to the emial addressadmissions@ccom-prep.org.Please share the video to this linkif theattached videois too large.

  Academic course test


  Please log in the designated platform on time for online oral English interview. The test questions will be sent by email one day in advance to the email address in the application form.

  Written Examination:

  If the scores ofmajor courses and interviews are qualified, the students can obtain conditional offer within 10 working days after the completion of the test. After that, the students need to make an appointement for written examinations of Chinese, mathematics and English.Whenthe scores are qualified, they will be officially recruited.

  考试内容 Enrollment Test



  b. 一首巴赫平均律(前奏曲与赋格)

  c. 一首古典主义时期的奏鸣曲快板乐章


  d. 一首自选乐曲


  a.One optional etude(the difficulty level, at least able to play Carl Czerny Etudes Op.740 )

  b. One piece of the Well-Tempered Clavier part from Bach(prelude and fugue)

  c. One classical sonata allegro or partita, rondo

  d. One optional piece


  小提琴 中提琴 大提琴 低音提琴



  b. 一首自选练习曲

  c. 一首自选乐曲


  Violin, Viola, Cello, Contrabass, DoubleBass

  a.Choose one set of major scale and minor scale (Violin and viola should include single tone, arpeggios and dual tones)

  b. One optional etude

  c. One optional piece



  b. 两分钟以上自选练习曲一首


  c. 文艺复兴或巴洛克时期乐曲一首

  d. 自选乐曲一首

  Classical Guitar

  a. Two optional Segovia scales

  (24 pieces of major and minor)

  b. One optional etudes above 2 minutes

  (unlimited period and style)

  c. One piece of Renaissance or

  Baroque era works

  d. One optional piece



  b. 一首自选乐曲


  a. One piece of Baroque era works

  b. One optional piece



  长笛 双簧管 单簧管 巴松 萨克斯


  圆号 小号 长号 上低音号 大号




  b. 自选一首练习曲

  c. 自选一首乐曲


  Wind Instruments


  Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Saxophone


  French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone,

  Euphonium, Tuba

  a.Optional scale, one set of arpeggios(major scale and relative minor scale). Two performed skills of liaison and staccato, at least two octaves

  b. One optional etude

  c. One optional piece

  *Candidates may play their second instrument

  to show their talents.




  1. 节奏性练习曲

  2. 技巧性练习曲


  1. 自选音阶、琶音一组(大调与其关系小调)

  2. 自选一首乐曲



  Perform respectively

  a. Snare drum

  1. Rhythmic etude

  2. Technique etude

  b. Brass and keyboard Drum (Marimba)

  1. Optional scale, one set of arpeggios

  (major scale and relative minor scale)

  2. One optional piece

  * Candidates may play timpani.




  b. 外国作品





  Voice- Classic

  a. Chinese piece:

  one art song or contemporary piece

  b. Foreign piece:

  one art song of 17th and 18th centuries

  or opera aria

  c. Sight singing

  * Candidates may play the piano to show

  their musical abilities.


  a. 需准备中、外两首经典音乐剧唱段

  b. 舞蹈表演:自选舞蹈一段

  c. 戏剧表演:朗诵一段诗歌、散文或戏剧独白(时间不少于90秒)


   Musical Theatre

  a.Perform two pieces of classic vocal selectionsboth in Englishand Chinese;

  b. Dance: self choice

  c. Drama performance: recite a paragraph of a poem/ essay monologue no less than 90 seconds.

  The examiners can decide to stop the performance in any performance.


  a. 准备一首英文曲目,时长3-5分钟。



  b. 音阶演唱



  c. 视唱

  d. 即兴演唱


  Voice- popular 

  a.Perform one piece in English (last 3-5 minutes sung by heart;showpersonal style, intonation and skills;

  b. Sing scales

  (major, minor and arpeggio)

  Applicants can modify the keys to match

  his or her range.

  c. Sight Singing

  d. Improvisation

  Applicants are required to improvise a short melody according to a given chord.


  a. 笔试:根据指定歌词创作艺术歌曲一首


  b. 面试

  1. 钢琴演奏






  a.Written test: to compose a piece based on particular lyrics (piano part is needed)

  b. Interview

  1. Piano performance

  (1) Three optional pieces (one etude, difficulty level should be upper than Carl Czerny Etudes Op.740; one piece of polyphony;

  one optional sonata or music piece.

  * Candidates may play a second instrument.

  (2) Performing two pieces composed by candidates

  2. Solfeggio (oral test)








  2. 使用钢琴或者吉他,


  3. 自选乐器演奏。


  a. Submit anoriginal song composition (with complete lyrics, theme and refrain) in songsheetor soundrecording;

  b. Composition test

  Compose a song and accompany by piano or guitarwith lyrics provided.

  c. Interview

  1. Describe the composing motivation and process to the interviewers and answer the questions;

  2. Accompaniment improvisiton and singing within the required time(by piano or guitar);

  3. Self-selected instrument playing.










  Electronic Music Production

  a. Provide one piece of electronic music work in any music style and format (longer than 2 minuteswith no less than 3 different selected instruments or tones);

  b. Interview

  Play his or her own work by students's personpal computer (computers are not provided), and describe the work’s motivation, structure, choice of instrument andtones. Answer the questions regarding to the music work.

  c. Instrument performance

  Perform oneinstrument ( piano preferred, i.e Czerny O.P.740; the score is allowed when performing).Other types of instruments are also allowed and the applicant’s original work will receive extra score.


  a. 面试



  b. 钢琴演奏




  c. 视唱练耳(口试)


  a.Major interview: conducting an orchestral piece or a chapter of a symphony, or two choruses (piano)

  b. Piano performance

  Three optional pieces (one etude, difficulty level should be upper than Carl Czerny Etudes Op.740; one piece of polyphony,

  one sonata or one music piece)

  * Candidates may play a second instrument.

  c. Solfeggio (oral test)

中央音乐学院鼎石实验学校 在线报名

