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The aim of the School of International Education is to foster talent with international vision and knowledge of cutting-edge technology in the industry of media and communications. Up until now, we have developed institutional links with colleges and universities in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, and Malaysia, including New York Film Academy, San Francisco State University, University of Northern Iowa, University of Minnesota, Toronto Film School, Middlesex University, Deakin University, SAE Institute, JMC Academy, Yoobee School of Design, Hanyang University, Myongji University, Jeonju University, Cheju Tourism College, Shobi University, Digital Hollywood University, Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics, Seisa Dohto University, and Nilai University. Our school has set up various programmes, such as the combined programme of SUMC bachelor's degree plus master's degree in an overseas institution, combined programme of SUMC 2-year diploma plus bachelor's degree final year top-up in an overseas institution, international foundation programme, and short-term exchange programme. All these programmes have been authorised by Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, which smooths the path for our students to pursue further education abroad and helps them to obtain certificates and degrees in China and overseas within the shortest possible timeframe.

 The School of International Education undertakes the strategy of focusing on both foreign language and professional education. On language teaching, we apply immersive teaching methods and restrict the number of students in a class. Our language teaching experts include certified teachers recruited from America, Australia, Korea, and Japan, who help the students to lay a solid foundation on foreign language. Besides, we have imported internationally advanced professional curriculum, realising a seamless connection between education in China and abroad.


二、招生类别 Programmes:

1. 本硕连读:招收达到四川传媒学院本科录取要求的学生(专业不限)。

Combined programme of SUMC bachelor's degree plus master's degree in an overseas institution: We recruit students who have met the requirements to be enrolled into SUMC's undergraduate programmes.


2. 专本(硕)连读:招收达到四川传媒学院专科录取要求的学生(专业不限)。

Combined programme of SUMC 2-year diploma plus bachelor's degree final year top-up in an overseas institution: We recruit students who have met the requirements to be enrolled into SUMC's diploma programmes.


3. 国际本科:招收具有中国普通高中或同等学历的学生,并须通过国际部入学面试。

International foundation programme: We recruit high school graduates or equivalent and the candidates must pass the entry interview by SUMC.

三、项目优势和保障 Advantages and Guarantees:

1.教学保障 High-standard teaching:强调外语+专业,顶级教学资源配置。外语教学采用渗入式小班教学,由外教承担大量教学工作,保证每日的外语学习时间;专业课采用国际教学体系,与国外接轨。

2.直通保障 Smooth pathway:通过英语雅思5.5(或通过合作院校面试)、韩语校内考试(无需TOPIK成绩)、日语N2水平学生100%进入国外合作院校学习。

3.手续保障 One-stop procedure:出国签证、学籍认证、学分认可、升学衔接手续将由四川传媒学院协同国外合作院校统一办理。

4.最短时间 Shortest timeframe:双方大学互认学分,100%国内学分转移。专科学生最短4年可获国内专科+国外本科学历;最短5年可获国内专科+国外硕士学历。本科学生最短5年获国内本科+国外硕士学历。

5.最低费用 Lowest cost:校际合作项目,最优奖学金设置,最低仅需2.6万人民币/年即可圆留学梦。

6.高质就业 High employability:取得国外学历后,均可获得海外就业签证,更有机会获得移民绿卡。回国就业享受留学生免税车、一线城市落户等优惠政策。